Genesis R&D assists processors and manufacturers selling cannabis edible products with recipe formulation, THC and CBD tracking, and regulatory-compliant product labeling.

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Nutrition Facts Labeling

Many of the states that have legalized the sale of Recreational Marijuana require the display of a Nutrition Facts label, along with an ingredient statement and allergen statement, on the product packages. Genesis R&D comes preloaded with several Nutrition Facts labels templates including all of the label templates that comply with the Oregon Liquor Control License (OLCC) regulations outlined in OAR-845-025-7090.

Package Report

Product labels must be submitted for pre-approval through OLCC’s online licensing system before the product can be offered for sale. The Cannabis Report in Genesis R&D includes all packaging information mandated by the rule on this report. You can refer to this report during the application process.

Required Symbols

Genesis R&D comes preloaded with the symbols for Recreational Marijuana Edibles, Medical Grade Cannabinoid Edibles, and Hemp Edibles, at least one of which must appear on your packaging. When creating a recipe in Genesis R&D, you are prompted to select your product type. Based on the product you are making, the corresponding symbol will automatically appear on your packaging report.

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